annual seminar
haabc annual seminar
Each year, the HAABC hosts an annual seminar at a harbour authority somewhere in BC. The seminar is designed to bring all member harbour authorities and associate members together and to hold workshops, discussions, training sessions and presentations relevant to harbour authority management, staff and board members. We encourage each harbour authority to send at least one representative to the annual seminar to take advantage of the numerous presentations and networking opportunities provided.
The annual seminar is funded via a contribution agreement with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans – Small Craft Harbours Branch and from seminar fees paid by the attending members. The revenue generated from these seminars goes towards the annual operating budget, which allows the HAABC to continue to provide first-class service to its members and clients.
Each seminar has an agenda developed by the HAABC Board of Directors and the HAABC Administrator and aims to address current trends and issues in the industry. The HAABC membership is also consulted via periodic zone meetings and annual online surveys to assist the HAABC Board in developing the agenda contents. We wish to stress the importance of the annual surveys in developing the seminar agendas and overall direction of the HAABC – the information contained therein is invaluable to the HAABC Board of Directors and Administrator, so please be sure to fill them out promptly and thoroughly when you receive them!
27th annual seminar
February 18-21, 2025
To register as a delegate or exhibitor, or to view the agenda, click on the link buttons below. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Administrator at (250) 339-3970 or by e-mailing [email protected].

To give an idea of what to expect at an HAABC seminar, a list of presentations given at the past few seminars can be found below. Just click on the blue circle on the right to expand the list.
2025 Seminar in Port Alberni
- Employment Law: Shelly Quinte
- Vessels of Concern: Matthew Melnyk and Vera Syrma, League and Williams
- Employee Benefits: Adam Duncan
- Harbour Authority Corporation: Lynne Duplessis
- Persons of Concern Workshop
- Governance: Keomi Vance, Heath Law
- Port Alberni Port Authority Harvest Round Table
2024 Seminar in Prince Rupert
- WorkSafe BC: Paul Matthew and Cody King
- Ship Source Oil Pollution Fund: Ryan Guavin
- Pollution and Hazard Response: Canada Coast Guard and Transport Canada
- Dock Repair and Maintenance: Robert Clarke
- Members Questions and Answers: League and Williams Law
2023 Seminar in Victoria
- Conflict Resolution: Micheal Lomax, JD
- Warehouse Lien Act: Darren Williams, JD, League and Williams
- Board Governance and Succession planning: Deb McClelland
- Understanding the Heritage Conservation Act: Kleanza Consulting
- Directors Legal Responsibilities: League and Williams Law
2021 Virtual Seminar
- Conflict Resolution: Micheal Lomax, JD
- Cyber Security: Thane Humphrey, Deep Forest Security
- Legal Obligation to Maintain Safe Premise: Darren Williams, JD, League and Williams
- Accounting for Management: Richard Wong, BCIT
- Employers Responsibilities: Shelley Quinte LLB
- Project Funding: Line Robert, ICET
2020 Seminar
- Employers Responsibilities: Shelley Quinte LLB
- Conflict Resolution: Lucette Wesley, CIM , CMHA
- Heritage Conservation Act and Best Practices: Jennifer Botica, Kleanza Consulting
- Emergency Planning: John Forrest EMBC
- Insurance: John King, Aon
- Liveaboards, CCTV and Cannabis Legislation: Darren Williams, League and Williams
2019 "safe harbours" in ucluelet
- Project Planning & Proposal Writing Workshop: Suzanne Jolly
- Pacific Region Harbour Authority Advistory Committee (PRHAAC), National Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (NHAAC) Updates: Janet Rooke
- Harbour Authority Corporation (HAC) & Insurance Updates: Ron Duplessis
- Board Governance Overview: Alisdair Smith, MA, ACC
- RCMP – What the RCMP can and can’t do for harbours: Cst., Bill Nadeau
- Net Recycling: Joel Baziuk
- Media Relations – Learning effective ways to communicate with media: Carol Boothroyd
- Transport Canada (TC), Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), Ocean Protections Plan (OPP) & Vessels of Concern Update: Ryan Greville. Christina Sharun and Susan Pickrell
- Fishsafe newest initiatives: Ryan Ford
- Worksafe BC – How to be safe on the job: Jesse Kunce and Cody King
- Maintenance Workshop: Robert Clarke
2016 "Stronger Together" in Prince Rupert
- Vessels of Concern: Darren Williams, LLP
- Conflict Management: Mario Givorchini
- Board Governance: Andy Ellingsen, Harbour Authority of Cortes Island
- Harbour Authority Planning: Jordan Mah, Regional Manager of Client Services, DFO – SCH | Katie Rattan, Program Officer, DFO – SCH
- Understanding Your Lease: Robin Richardson, Regional Manager of Harbour Development, DFO – SCH
- SCH Updates: Ken Smith, Regional Director, Pacific Region, DFO – SCH
- Electrical Meter Reading: Robert Clarke, Comox Valley Harbour Authority | Robin Millar, Harbour Authority of Pender Harbour
- Feature Harbour Presentation – Haisla Harbour Authority: Trevor Amos, Haisla Harbour Authority
- First Nations Storytelling: Sam Bryant
- Interpretive Dance: Dance Academy of Prince Rupert
2015 “Maintaining Progress” in Victoria
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Training: Marie Burgess, Junior Environmental Officer, DFO
- Understanding Corrosion & Electrolysis: Mike Graham | Earl Mayuga | Mark Byram, Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
- Live-a-board Policies & Procedures: Sheila Neopole: Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
- Feature Harbour Presentation – Port Alberni Harbour Authority: Rony Kyle, Port Alberni Harbour Authority
- Derelict Vessel Update & Panel Discussion: Darren Williams, LLP | Janet Rooke, Tsehum Harbour Authority | Phyllis Titus, Campbell River Harbour Authority | Daniel Reid, Canadian Coast Guard | Russ Hayward, RCMP | John King, Aon Risk Services | Ryan Greville, Receiver of Wreck, Transport Canada | Robin Richardson, Regional Manager of Client Services, DFO – SCH
- SCH Panel Update: Ken Smith, Regional Director, Pacific Region, DFO – SCH | Vahid Kahnamelli, Senior Project Engineer, DFO – SCH | Robin Richardson, Regional Manager of Client Services, DFO – SCH
- Employer Responsibilities: Shelley Quinte
- Harbour Maintenance: David Black, Scott Christie
- Harbour Authority Coroporation (HAC), Pacific Region Harbour Authority Advistory Committee (PRHAAC), National Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (NHAAC) Updates: Ben Mabberley
- Maritime History of Victoria: Karen Humble
2014 “Stay the Course” in Richmond
- Feature Harbour Presentation – Port Edward Harbour Authority: Keri Weick, Port Edward Harbour Authority | Tammy Dickens, Port Edward Harbour Authority
- SCH Update: Randy Kamp, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans | Sylvie Berube, Associate Regional Director General, DFO | Ken Smith, Regional Director, Pacific Region, DFO
- A Climate Change Risk Assessment for the Pacific Region: Robin Brown, Ocean Sciences Division, DFO
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Training: Marie Burgess, Junior Environmental Officer, DFO
- Strategic Planning in the Harbour Authority Context: Darryl Anderson
- FishSafe BC Outreach to Remote Harbours: John Krgovich
- Harbour Authority Corporation (HAC) Update: Elizabeth McLeod, Comox Valley Harbour Authority
- RCMP Coastal Watch: Linda Simpson, RCMP
- Derelict Vessels in BC: Ryan Greville, Receiver of Wreck, Transport Canada
- Harbour Operations Systems Workshop: DFO – SCH Engineering staff
2013 “Foundation for Success: Building an Effective Organization” in Nanaimo
- Feature Harbour Presentation – Harbour Authority of Cortes Island: Andy Ellingsen, Harbour Authority of Cortes Island
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Training: Sheila Freeman, Regional Environmental Coordinator, DFO
- Canada Not For Profit Corporations Act: Darryl Anderson
- Electrical Workshop: Jim Allen
- SCH Update: Sylvie Berube, Associate Regional Director General, DFO | Ken Smith, Regional Director, Pacific Region, DFO | Lynda Gray, DFO – SCH
- Emergency Preparedness: Terrence Berscheid
- Oil Sill Response: Bill Jahelka
- Integrated Projects – Lessons Learned & Best Practices: Ken Smith, Regional Director, Pacific Region, DFO | Robin Richardson, Regional Manager of Client Services, DFO – SCH | Bruce Evans, Fanny Bay Harbour Authority | Robert Line, ICE-T | Andrew Cornell, Project Engineer, DFO – SCH | Gaurav Sandha, Program Officer, DFO – SCH
- Harbour Authority Corporation (HAC) Update: Ben Mabberley
- Safety Management for Fishing Vessels: Gina McKay, FishSafe BC
- Harbour Maintenance: Richard Chan, DFO – SCH
- Harbour Authorities and the Law: Shelley Chapelski – Bull, Housser, Tupper, LLP
- Human Resources: Harvey Delaney – Owen-Bird, LLP
- Board Governance 101: Alisdair Smith
- Transport Canada Update: Ryan Greville, Receiver of Wreck, Transport Canada
2012 “Proactive, Practical & Professional: Characteristics of Effective Management” in Nanaimo
- Feature Harbour Presentation – Powell River Harbour Authority: Jim Parsons, Power River Harbour Authority | Shawn Cator, City of Power River
- SCH Update: Sylvie Berube, Associate Regional Director General, DFO | Ken Smith, Regional Director, Pacific Region, DFO
- Navigable Waters Protection Program & Derelict / Abandoned Vessels: Bob Gowe, Transport Canada | Mike Carlson, RCMP
- Harbour Authority Corporation (HAC) Update: Ben Mabberley
- Safe Catch Program: Gina McKay, FishSafe BC
- Canada Not for Profit Corporations Act – How Do I Get There From Here?: Coleen Kirby
- Risk Management & Liability Exposure: Luis Marin | Steve Metterson | John King
- Preparing Financial Statements: Keri Gargill
- Planning With SCH: Ken Smith, Regional Director, Pacific Region, DFO
- The State of Electrical Safety in BC: J. Bradley Sullivan | David McMuldroch