Lower Mainland Zone

The Lower Mainland zone consists of 9 individual Harbour Authorities: Bella Coola, False Creek, Squamish, Kanaka Landing, Ladner, McIvor’s Landing, Mission, Seyem’ Qwantlen and Steveston. Click on the blue plus button beside each respective harbour authorities below to view more information including contact details, coordinates, address and more.

Current HAABC Zone Representative: Catherine Lee-Smith – HAABC Treasurer (Squamish Harbour Authority)

Bella Coola Harbour Authority

Coordinates: 52.37446725497174, -126.79385255556554

Address: Box 751, Bella Coola, BC V0T 1C0

Website: https://bellacoola.ca/portfolio/bella-coola-harbour-authority/

Phone: 250-799-5633

Harbour Manager: John Arnold – [email protected]

False Creek Harbour Authority

Coordinates: 49.27151298962237, -123.13983483240008

Address:  1505 West 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC V6E 1E8

Website: http://www.falsecreek.com

Phone: 604-733-3625

Harbour Manager: Mike Loy – [email protected]

Harbour Authority of Squamish

Coordinates: 49.694699743299616, -123.15513415262103

Address: Box 97, Squamish, BC, V8B 0A1

Phone: 604-892-3725

Harbour Manager: Catherine Lea-Smith – [email protected]

Kanaka Landing Harbour Authority - Albion

Coordinates: 49.18126704346647, -122.55715711042285

Address: 23250 McKay Avenue, Maple Ridge, V2W 1B9

Phone: 604-463-5255

Harbour Manager: Judy Dueck – [email protected]

Kanaka Landing Harbour Authority - Kanaka (Haney) Landing

Coordinates: 49.18940014727695, -122.57746151648462

Address: 23250 McKay Avenue, Maple Ridge, V2W 1B9

Phone: 604-463-5255

Harbour Manager: Judy Dueck – [email protected]

Ladner Harbour Authority

Coordinates: 49.09311083281728, -123.09046072885394

Address: 4850 McNeely’s Way, Delta, BC V4K 5E2

Phone: 778-895-9014

Wharfinger: Craig Hutchinson – [email protected]

McIvor's Landing Harbour Authority

Coordinates: 49.16304583181614, -122.52521749120206

Address: PO Box 240, Fort Langley, BC V1M 2R5

Phone: 604-888-7404

Manager: Sheryl McLellan – [email protected]

Mission Harbour Authority - Whonnock

Coordinates: 49.172633288300844, -122.47547848150134

Address: 33428 Harbour Ave, Mission, BC V2V 2W4

Phone: 604-826-4414

Harbour Manager: Alec Finnsson – [email protected]

Mission Harbour Authority - Mission

Coordinates: 49.12976824705688, -122.299630260095

Address: 33428 Harbour Ave, Mission, BC V2V 2W4

Phone: 604-826-4414

Harbour Manager: Alec Finnsson – [email protected]

Seyem-Qwantlen Harbour Authority

Coordinates: 49.18008755056672, -122.56709477864206

Address: PO Box 1023, Fort Langley, BC, V1M 2S4

Website: http://seyemqwantlen.ca

Phone: 778-919-1358  

Director: Drew Atkins – [email protected]

Steveston Harbour Authority - Gulf of Georgia

Coordinates: 49.124296042669876, -123.18654231727123

Address: 12740 Trites Road, Richmond BC V7E 3R8

Website: stevestonharbour.com

Phone: 604-272-5539

General Manager: Jaime Gusto[email protected]

Steveston Harbour Authority - Paramount

Coordinates: 49.11966838092186, -123.16387019120157

Address: 12740 Trites Road, Richmond BC V7E 3R8

Website: stevestonharbour.com

Phone: 604-272-5539

General Manager: Jaime Gusto[email protected]